Exploring the Synergy of AI and Genomics in Healthcare
In the realm of healthcare, the convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and genomics holds immense promise, and at 23Strands, we are at the vanguard of this transformative endeavour.
Our recent article delves into the profound impact of AI on precision medicine and genomics, elucidating its potential implications for the healthcare industry. From disease prevention strategies tailored to individual genetic profiles to the optimisation of treatment modalities, AI-driven solutions are heralding a change in thinking.
The application of a proposed framework to identify relevant academic articles on AI-related biomedical applications can help to uncover and analyse genomic insights.
Why is this significant for healthcare practitioners? It underpins the evolution toward more personalised, efficacious patient care which remains a critical component of advancing women’s health. Picture AI-powered chatbots aiding in the interpretation of intricate genomic data or algorithms proactively predicting women’s unique healthcare requisites given their unique physiological makeup.