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23Strands is unlocking the power of your DNA.
23Strands is pleased to be announcing its strategic IVF research partnership and our success with securing a $3 million federal government MRFF grant, for a world-first AI IVF study with our research partners Monash University and Virtus Health.
In recent research, the technical capability of wholly Australian-owned bioinformatics start-up, 23Strands, to decipher big data about genomics is revolutionising scientific research in women’s health. 23Strands’ work in genomics was linked with known molecular pathways for endometriosis to identify key genes associated with the disease.
23Strands, is a revolutionary precision health and analytics company that delivers cutting-edge genomics, AI technology, and health management services. Our mission is to empower clinicians, patients and their familes with actionable insights and expert guidance, helping them take control of all aspects of their health and well-being. By sequencing your patients DNA, our team at 23Strands can use our integrated health and data platforms to provide you with novel clinical insights that could help you better treat your patient.23Strands is able to do this by leveraging existing commercial, clinical and research partnerships and building the foundation for the future of health care.